Adrienne Seal, Partner
MA, Psychology & Organizational Development, ICF, PCC
Born into a family of activist women, at the time known as the second wave feminist movement, role models like Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda, my mother and my older sisters helped shape my experiences and beliefs about strong women.
Our voices were combined together on social causes and change, ranging from allowing girls to wear pants to school (my mother), to opening doors to educational opportunities once only available to men, to equal pay for equal work. This significantly changed the composition of the workplace and the family routine.
This legacy that has shaped who I am today. I am continually reminded that our united voice comes from our collective history and experience as maidens, mothers and wise women. It gives us a different perspective than our male counterparts. We juggle the balls of work, family, relationship, community and self like superwomen – compartmentalized approach, not sustainable.
Over the last few decades, I have been working with corporations both internally and externally in the field of Organization Development, Transformational Change and Leadership Development and Coaching with companies like Clorox, HP, Cisco, BAE, Nestle, Blue Shield and others. I realized the organization has not progressed to meet the challenges of the superhuman juggle. The truth is it is hard to build a career and balance life and a family. It seems that taking care of one means sacrificing the other. I have spent many years building my credentials in these fields, and I have discovered some things: Our Satisfaction is a measure of how engaged we are in our lives, not just our jobs. I do not define myself as an “employee.” So, what does employee satisfaction really mean?
Organizations designed with the whole person in mind attract not only the minds, but the hearts of employees. I know that raising a family and being successful in my career are mutually beneficial. Much of what I have seen and experienced has shown me that we have the wisdom and the tools to make that happen. And I know many companies have attempted change, but it is still a paper and pen exercise. A cultural shift is needed; our organizational boundaries have shifted. Trying to compartmentalize it doesn’t work because a measure of success is not a number but a feeling and a quality of life.
I come to Dragonfly Consultants with a set of values, beliefs and experiences. You can look up my work experience on my profile, but who I am is a collection not only work experience but also my life. I am inspired when I observe people loving what they do, and I love what I do…

Michelle Dombrowski-Sullivan, Partner
MS, Global Business & Leadership
People have described me as a “Swiss Army Knife” – a global business & technology executive, consultant, educator, entrepreneur and professional coach, offering over 20 years of experience working with organizations ranging from innovative start-ups to international Fortune 10 companies. As an internal employee and consultant, these companies included Intel, Dow Corning, Dow Chemical, Nike, DIRECTV, Tessera, FotoNation, First DataBank, Kaiser Permanente and Blue Shield. What I’d like to share below is my personal story; the journey of how I came to do this work.
As an only child of teenage parents, I was primarily raised by my paternal Polish grandparents on a farm in the Midwest. Since they were raised during the Great Depression, what I learned from them was determination, perseverance, self-reliance, resilience, and an appreciation for relationships. We knew our neighbors. I started driving a tractor at the age of 10, and I wouldn’t change where or how I grew up, but I always had a curiosity for “what else was out there in the world.” I began dreaming of far off lands and made it a goal to make that dream a reality. I have achieved that goal.
By the time I graduated from the University of Michigan, I owned my first house, had four years of professional work experience with two Fortune 500 companies. The economy was strong, so I was well positioned to choose my work and living destination. I chose Portland, Oregon. I left Michigan by car on a Thursday night and began my new job as an engineer on Monday with a healthcare software company. I bought my second house shortly after. Was I becoming too responsible at such an early age? No. I knew only I could be the maker of my future. Although I was extremely committed to my career, I never sacrificed adventure and health. I’d pack my gym clothes, mountain bike, snowboard, surfboard, or skateboard in my car, and off with the corporate clothes at the end of the day.
Fast forward two decades later, and I’ve been able to work, live and study in Mexico (three times), Argentina, France, and Ireland. I was able to work with several Fortune 500 companies, teams from dozens of countries, run companies, and even have a short stint as a professional downhill mountain biker.
A turning point for me was when I worked for a global technology company, and my husband accepted a position in Mexico. Without hesitation, I was given the green light to work remotely. Why not? My team was globally dispersed, I was the manager. Not only did this prove to be quite a humbling and positive experience, this was when I realized how important flexibility was to me. I worked non-standard hours to accommodate multiple time zones, but the ability to have flexibility allowed me to have balance and operate at a high level of performance. Flexibility did ≠ guilt, and the culture of the organization supported my situation.
Since my early life experiences, I had positive male role models – a father who had custody of me (in the 70’s), a grandfather who got me up for school every morning and made breakfast for me until I went to college, and uncles who took me everywhere like my big brothers. Since I did not have many female role models growing up, I’ve had to reach from within to find my voice.
Everything I experienced from my career in technology as an engineer and later as an executive – to competitive, extreme sports, I was a minority. I didn’t really think about it at the time; it was the only reality that I knew. I wouldn’t change my experiences; it is those experiences and reflections that have brought me to the work that I do today. I have confidence that more organizations will authentically invest in hiring and more importantly, retain a diverse workplace. A healthy culture is where they have the support and confidence to have a voice at the table. We need to do more than simply raise awareness; we need to change the conversation and take action. This requires involvement by everyone and at all levels – men, women, and minorities from entry level employees to top executives.
I come to Dragonfly Consultants to help organizations implement a high-performing culture where employees can truly have flexibility and not feel guilty or experience negative consequences. Where employees can bring their true self to work.
To learn more about my professional background, download my profile at the top right of this page or visit my profile on

Dr. Kelly Peterson, Consultant
PsyD, Organizational Management and Consulting I have worked as an organizational development consultant and executive coach and I also have years of consulting experience at my practice, Peterson Development Consulting, Inc. I also worked with Sony Entertainment in various HR management roles and held a position as managing partner at Syzgy for several years providing organizational and leadership development

Bob Schoultz, Consultant
BA, Stanford; Retired Navy SEAL Captain, Organizational & Leadership Consultant and Coach I graduated from Stanford University with a BA in philosophy and then spent 30 years in the Navy SEALS, commanding SEALS and other Special Operation Forces at many levels. I eventually commanded the group that was responsible for the east coast SEAL teams.

Pat Walls, ED. D, Consultant
Organizational Effectiveness & Leadership Development Consultant I am an organization development consultant and leadership coach with extensive experience in a broad range of industries. I worked in leadership in FedEx for over 20 years, and developed and implemented programs that strengthened results in sales, strategy, and engagement and culture surveys.